1) You are more likely to get nerve damage (neuropathy). This is because smoking affects the circulatory system, and this in turn means your nerve endings do not get the nutrients they need. If this happens to the nerves in the feet, and can lead to ulcers and infections, and if not handled properly, even amputation.
2) There is an increased risk - double in fact, you make the limited movement in joints. There is no fun to try to bend, climb stairs or lift something when you have a painful joint.
3) and because of tobacco use, you can develop kidney disease.
4) When the smoke rise in blood pressure. High blood pressure, creates a real risk of heart disease.
5) Research has shown that diabetics who smoke increase, 3 times the risk of dying of heart (cardiovascular) disease.
6) By smoking, you can increase the proportion of sugar in the blood. This makes it difficult to control diabetes because glucose levels can be significantly volatile. This, in turn, leads to other problems.
7), and also increases the proportion of cholesterol, which increases the risk of a heart attack.
Smoking in a matter of fact - and passive smoking - have a serious impact on the ABCs of adverse diabetes management:
A1C - measuring the percentage of sugar in the blood over a period of 3 months
B - blood pressure, which should be less than 130/80
C - cholesterol. Levels of LDL cholesterol include, HDL and triglycerides. It should have LDL less than 100. It should be above the levels of HDL 40 (for men) and over 50 (for women). It should be Tryglycerides less than 150.
And of course, and above all, there are proven risk of cancer!
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