Sunday, 19 August 2012

And the link between DNA diabetes and obesity

There is no known reason for what causes diabetes. There are certain risk factors thatMake sure the likelihood of diagnosing the disease with the greatest. One risk that
Among the factors you have control over your weight. If you are obese, the best thing to
You can do for your health and the prevention of diabetes to lose weight. Even in small
Increases, when you lose a few pounds, you increase your health benefits.

It may be easier said than done. There are new studies now show that
A mutation or a genetic factor for people who suffer from obesity and diabetes. This
Genetic defect affects how the use of energy devices and insulin - two key elements of the
Performance of the body and cause disease, diabetes and obesity.

Studies also show that this is not the question of cause and effect. If you carry this defective
Genes are not guaranteed you to be obese or diabetic. But the link is there and can be
Perhaps prevented. You may have to work hard on it more than others to maintain a healthy body
Weight and diabetes delayed, but can be done. Discuss options with your doctor and
Ways to prevent or delay - the emergence of diabetes.

I found a gene that the researchers discovered a prelude to diabetes
Young children. It is frightening to know that children in the preschool years are being
The diagnosis of obesity and type 2 diabetes because of genetics. But parents can reduce or
Prevent these things from happening by giving their children healthy lifestyle choices.
Now it has been found to link the DNA, that research can focus on finding a way to repair or
Prevent this from happening at some point in the future.

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